What is a Sound Bath/Journey?

Bathing in sound, journeying through sound. Seems a little bizarre, ey? It’s a question that has been popping up recently, as we welcome regular sound Journey’s into our beautiful studio. A sound bath is the practice of mindfully listening and absorbing different sounds that guide the body and mind into deep relaxation. It is known as a ‘bath’ as you are fully immersed in the vibrations that are created through singing crystal bowls, gongs and other instruments. It is also sometimes known as a journey, as you do travel on a journey through the duration, from 60 to 90 minutes.

Sound is the byproduct of vibration, and we are all in a state of vibration - everything is! This is what makes sound baths so powerful. They begin by guiding the body and mind gently into a place of stillness, landing in a restorative pose where you feel completely comfortable - using blankets, eye pillows and other props to ensure you feel warm and supported. This process will prime the body and mind for whats to come, so we can fully receive.

This practice acts as a massage for the nervous system. Stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system, otherwise know as your rest and digest state. During a sound bath, many people find themselves drifting between the conscious and subconscious mind. Some have visual experiences, others may feel subtle movement in the body, emotions can bubble to the surface - you may even fall asleep! There is no right or wrong way to receive a sound bath.

What are the benefits of a sound bath?

A route to meditation

Find the classic cross legged style of meditation challenging? Sound baths can be a beautiful way of gently guiding ourselves into a meditative state with the support of sound and the removal of other distractions.

Soothing anxiety and stress

Sound baths are known to regulate our nervous system, bringing us into a relaxed state. By moving into rest and digest, we soothe our natural stress response and create a feeling of calm and clarity.

Undisturbed rest

A chance to become grounded and cosy without any distractions. No screens, no demands on our time - the environment is set up for true relaxation, all we need to do is get as cosy as possible and allow ourselves to sink into this deeply restorative bath.

Our top tip? Keep an open mind, allow yourself to go with the flow, surrendering to the experience and welcoming whatever experiences bubble to the surface. If you feel uncomfortable at any moment, don’t be afraid to change positions, scratch that itch, remove / add a layer of clothing. This is your opportunity to truly nourish yourself.

Cake & Yoga Club